At The Whiteoak Academies, safeguarding and pastoral support is a high priority and we aim to promote the wellbeing and self-esteem of every child. We work together to support children and families, in order to ensure that they achieve the best possible experience during their time at school.
Our Safeguarding Team are:
Mrs Abby Murray - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Victoria Reyes - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Laura Flemming - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Dr Rachel Hardwidge - Online Safety
"Leaders have created a strong culture of vigilance to ensure pupils are safe from harm. Staff receive regular training and understand the systems to record and report any concerns. There are robust processes for the safer recruitment of adults who work in school. Governors check these on a regular basis. Leaders identify quickly any families in need of additional support. Leaders in school and outside professionals work together effectively to ensure pupils stay safe."
~ Ofsted 2022 - Grove Junior School Report ~
"Staff receive annual training and regular updates. They know how to identify and report any concerns about pupils who may be vulnerable. The designated safeguarding lead makes sure that external support is provided at the right level to keep pupils safe."
~ Ofsted 2022 - Hannah More Infant School Report ~