Behaviour, Anti-bullying & Equalities
'Visible consistency and visible kindness allows exceptional behaviour to flourish.'
Paul Dix, behaviour specialist and advisor
Supporting at Home
The primary aim of our approach to behaviour at the Whiteoak Academies is not to develop a system of rules simply to be enforced. Instead, we seek to promote strong relationships so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone feel respected and valued. As a family of schools, we recognise the importance of working together in order to help children be the best they can be. Therefore, we ask that as parents and carers:
- You show respect to all members of our school family.
- You support the school in encouraging your child to behave well and to take responsibility for their behaviour.
- You are aware of the schools' rules and behaviour policy.
- You support us by making us aware of any concerns or problems which might affect your child's work or behaviour.
- You talk to your child's class teacher as soon as you have any concerns or problems.