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Enrichment opportunities in Science


There is a range of enrichment opportunities relating to Science learning for children across our family of schools. In the academic year 2022-23, we welcomed:

- Students from Badminton School who put on a 'Liquid Nitrogen' workshop for Year 6

- A robotics team from the University of Bristol who led workshops with Reception and year 1, as well as allowing children across the whole school to test out their robots at lunchtime 

- STEM sessions for year 2 and year 6

- An ecologist to lead a year 4 workshop on habitats

- A pilot to talk about her career in flying and how aeroplanes link to forces with years 3 and 5

- An expert on fungi to lead a year 6 workshop

- A visitor from Bristol and Avon Rivers Trust who led a rivers and habitats session with year 4

- A group of resident chicks who stayed with reception but the whole school were able to watch hatch and grow well as many other exciting opportunities!